The BIT instruction "AND's" memory location $01 with the value
      in the accumulator (#$10 = check bit 4). If the dongle is plugged
      in, both bits will match up (both 1's), and the branch instruction
      will be bypassed and the program will break into the monitor at

      Running the program again with the dongle plugged in will AND a
      1 bit with the dongle 0 bit, causing the branch to be executed. 
      The program will break into the monitor at $033A. This is just one
      method in which ACCESS checks their protection. We can "break"
      their protection checks by replacing LDA #$10 with LDA #$00. This
      way, the BIT instruction will always result in setting the zero
      flag, which emulates the dongle!

      Here are some other code forms for checking the dongle:
        LDA #$10
        BIT $00  (memory location zero, bit 4 holds an image of $0001)
        BEQ dongle in
      Solution: replace LDA #$10 with LDA #$00.
        LDA $01
        AND #$10
        BEQ dongle in
      Solution: replace AND #$10 with AND #$00.
        LDA #$40
        AND $FFF1,X
        BEQ dongle in

      Solution: replace LDA #$40 with LDA #$00.
        LDA $0001
        BCS dongle out
      Solution: replace BCS with two "NOP"'s.
      There are many other ways to check memory location $0001 for the

            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [76]     (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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